Abasha Municipality


Abasha Municipality is located in western Georgia.
Administrative center: Abasha city

Area - 322.5 sq. Km

Climate - humid subtropical

City - 1

Village - 40

Distance to Tbilisi - 280 km

Distance to Zugdidi - 55 km

The nearest port is Poti - 50 km

Nearest railway station - st. Abasha

The nearest airport is Kutaisi (Kopitnari) - 32 km

Population: (including IDPs) - 28 707 people

between them:

The population of the city is 6500 people

Rural population - 22277 people

Female - 15205

Male - 13502

National composition of the population:

1) Georgian - 99.6%

2) Other balance - 0.4%
Official website https://abasha.gov.ge/