Fee / tax amount
Fee / tax amount
NATURAL GAS - 0,56 GEL / m3
ELECTRICITY - 0,14 - 0,21 GEL / kWh
WATER SUPPLY - 4,307 GEL / m3
PROPERTY TAX ON LAND - 0,12 – 0,36 GEL m 2 0,24 GEL / m Non-agricultural Agricultural land (ha): Arable land – 77 Gel; Grassland/Hay Fields – 20 Gel; Pastoral land – 16 Gel; Natural resources (lands allocated on the basis of issuing the relevant license to the company) - 3 GEL
FEE FOR ISSUING A SPECIAL (ZONE) agreement (by categories) - Is calculated based on a special formula for a specific case
Visa Information
Citizens of 98 countries may enter and stay in Georgia without a visa for full 1 year. Visitors who are holders of valid visas or/and residence permits of 50 countries may enter and stay in Georgia without visa for 90 days in any 180 day period.
A foreigner with short-term visa may stay in Georgia for 90 days in any 180-day period. A long-term visa is issued for duration of 90 days and is the precondition of obtaining relevant residence permit.
For further details about the visa regime for each country nationals and stateless persons residing in the relevant countries, please visit the website of Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia- https://www.geoconsul.gov.ge/en/visaInformation