Khobi Municipality

General information about Khobi municipality

 Administrative center: Khobi

Area - 676 ​​sq. Km

Climate - subtropical zone

City - 1

Administrative unit-23

Distance to Tbilisi - 285 km

Distance to Zugdidi - 25 km

Nearest port, Poti - 35 km

The nearest railway station is Khobi

The nearest airport - Kutaisi - 65 km

City population - 5935

Rural population - 33028

Population (including IDPs) - 41622

between them:

Female - 22435

Man - 19187

National composition of the population:

1) Georgian - 98%

2) Russian - 0.1%

3) Ukrainian - 0.1%

4) Turkish -0.1%

5) Other – 1.7%


Land is the main resource of the municipality.

Khobi municipality belongs to the agrarian region with its development.

Agricultural lands cover 29,942 hectares, which is 44% of the total area.

Official website https://khobi.gov.ge/