Martvili Municipality
Martvili Municipality
Administrative Center: City of Martvili
Area - 880.6 km2
Climate - humid subtropical
City - 1
Village - 20
Distance to Tbilisi - 279 km
Distance to Zugdidi - 80 km
The nearest port is Poti - 70 km
Nearest railway station - st. Abasha
The nearest airport is Kutaisi - 40 km
City population - 6696
Rural population - 40637
Population - 47333 people
between them:
Female - 24915
Male - 22418
National composition of the population:
1) Georgian - 99.5%
2) Russian - 0.3%
3) Abkhazians - 0.1%
4) Other - 0.1%
Givi Eliava Museum of Local Lore, st. Simple.
Length of highways:
Road of state importance: 124.6 km
Road of local importance: 248 km
Official website